A Brief History of LAW BOOKS
Question: What do you call an out-of-date law book?
Answer: Not a law book, but an OLD HISTORY BOOK!
When most people think of law books, they think of old, musty, heavy, expensive books. Now many law books are paperback books that at least look okay. However, what many law books still have are old laws, rules and cases.
While the law books written by LW Greenberg Esq. are also paperback, they have attractive covers. But most importantly, they provide only current information. No old out-of-date California Codes, cases or California Rules of Court in LW Greenberg’s books. Check out all California Legal Books written by LW Greenberg Esq on amazon.com by clicking here.
Does it Really Matter if You Buy Numbered Editions or Dated Editions?
You decide. Notably, most law books are numbered editions. And numbered edition books contain only partially updated material. If you don’t care if the laws in the book are not current because you are NOT using the book to get current, accurate information, then maybe it doesn’t matter that some of the old, out of date material, laws and rules remain in the newly numbered edition law book. The problem is if you buy a numbered edition book, but want accurate current information, how do you know which laws, rules and cases are current and which are not? You don’t.
Surprisingly, there are no standardized rules as to what constitutes a new numbered edition (example: Seventh Edition). Publishers can call a book a new edition simply by updating only 15% of the material from the previous edition. And most law books are numbered editions.
However, the California legal books authored by LW Greenberg are dated editions. In a dated edition book all material is updated as of the date of publication (example: 2021 Edition). Dated edition books usually list the date of publication in the title. And California legal books publish only dated editions, updated to the publication date.